Fair Trade - What it Really Means and How You Can be a Part.

Written by Sheila Lynch


Posted on October 15 2019

Since October is Fair Trade month, we thought it would great timing to explain what Fair Trade really means, common misconceptions, and also share how you could play a role in the Fair Trade Story.
It would be fair to say, for the most part, we all have an idea of what fair trade is, or maybe better, what we think it should be.
What most people think Fair Trade isΒ 
Generally, we tend to think of fair trade as stuff made by hand that you pay a little more for because it was hopefully manufactured and sourced ethically in a developing country. ItΒ may also have been aΒ purchase made toΒ support a social enterprise you believe in, but honestly it wasn't something you could really use or the quality wasn't very good.
Fair trade has come a long way in raising the bar for both quality standardsΒ and creating bothΒ unique and meaningful products.
What Fair Trade Really is
Fair trade isΒ an agreement, made first with the Makers, giving them the opportunity to connect with consumers like you on a greater level, allowing them to have consistent work.
This movement seeks to promote greater trading partnerships with producers and growers of handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, wine, sugar, fresh fruit, chocolate, flowers and even gold through dialogue, transparency, and respect.
It promotes sustainable development by offering better trading conditions, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers in developing countries.
Glory Haus' role in the Fair Trade initiative
Glory Haus producesΒ our current textile collection of tea towels and pillowsΒ at Daughter's of Hope in India, while Repurposed on PurposeΒ sources findings and other raw materials from our partners in Uganda and Haiti toΒ create jewelry here in the States while support women coming out of difficult situations.
Each of these venturesΒ build relationships while providingΒ much needed work with on the job training and education in a safe environment.
How you can play a role in the Fair Trade story
You can help empower these women each time you, as the end customer, buy fair trade. You are crossing over the gap between the first world and in many cases the third world, connecting with a family, a mother, a child who now has the ability to live with dignity.
The pillows and tea towels you purchased from Daughter's of HopeΒ can be much like a short mission trip if you will. You're supporting, blessing and encouraging a mom to keep getting up and going to work because she has hope. Your earrings and necklace can say you support women coming out of homelessness breaking off years of depression.
Your shoes can say to a father, the skill your father taught to you can be taught to your children to carry on a family legacy. Your soaps, lotions and candles can say to a young woman, you have a way out of trafficking and can have a better life.Β 
At the heart of fair trade, underneath the many different layers there are people just like you and I, hoping and praying for the chance, the opportunity to get up and go to work, to work hard and take care of their family.
We hope that you will consider buying fair trade, knowingΒ each purchase can make a difference.Β 
Thank you for being a part of our journey here at Glory Haus by supporting the work so near to our hearts at Daughters of Hope and Repurposed on Purpose.