Blessed With Opportunity
•Posted on March 23 2020

Wow! I'm exhausted . . . I have felt like an air traffic controller today. It has been thrilling to direct this "non-stop" ride to get everyone coordinated to land this plane and get Glory Haus on Good Morning America's Steals and Deals show at 8 am Monday morning . . . 8 hours from now. Today I got an email from the company called Simplistic that builds micro websites for the vendors that are on Steals and Deals. The email had all the details of what they needed to build our website for the TUESDAY show . . . then exactly 16 minutes later I got a text from the host Tory Johnson
and she said
And I said
And she said
So we did ... my whole team went immediately to work. I work with the greatest people! Leah and Pavel took their kids and went to work on the photographs. The whole Bill Tanner family... Bill, Marnie, and Katie Marie went to work on filling out the many excel sheets with all the details. A friend, Ashley, went to work on building the beautiful landing page. Kimberly literally built a whole new shipping module and activated all our PayPal details. Sheila and Leigh worked on many Facebook and social media details, while Sondra was in Texas fastidiously updating website details. This is what it is like to be a small company that operates like a family. We jump in and we get the job done. But today with a virus in our country we all did it from different locations and I was the traffic controller putting the pieces together.
As a small business owner, the state of our country is frightening. Every morning I wake up and know I have 22 full-time employees and many other part-time employees that count on me to lead our team well and to provide a living for their families. It is a big responsibility that I never take lightly. For it is not just these folks who are willing to jump in on a Sunday and get a job done, but it is our sales reps, our artists, our factories and many others that depend on me to lead and provide well.
In what I would consider divine, this morning I was reading about Moses in my One-year chronological Bible, that I love! Moses was giving a blessing to the people of Israel before his death. After Moses' death, the Lord charges Joshua to lead the Israelites. The Lord promised to never leave Joshua and he gave him "a list" of things that I wrote down in my Bible this morning, as a list to myself, as I lead Glory Haus. And today at almost midnight I want to live by them. I need to live by them, my team is counting on me to lead well. Just as your team, your family, and your business is counting on you to lead well. 
The Lord summarizes at the end and says to Joshua . . . be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged as the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go! In these crazy times, this is what I have to hold onto as I lead this team. Since the beginning of Glory Haus, our mission statement has been "To bring Hope and Truth Into people's homes through our artwork and relationships." It is my prayer that as I have led the team to "land" the Steals and Deals website today that our products would sell into many homes on Monday and fill peoples lives with Hope and Truth and that as a small business owner this show would be one step toward bringing joy to others homes as it brings stability and provision to our small business in unstable times.